Thursday, July 1, 2010

Awww Mom, can't I wear them for just 5 more minutes????

Overdue thanks are in order to Mr. 412 for giving me a better present than my parents ever could. Yes, even better than the lava lamp for my 11th birthday and the electric blanket for my 15th.

Rewind to last Wednesday. No, let's go even further back to last Tuesday. I go to bed and set my alarm in preparation for the USA vs. Algeria match the next day. With the excitement of that game in mind, it is a miracle that I was able to fall asleep. Had I known what else I was in store for the next day I think I'd still be awake from that night...

Wednesday's PEMDAS (Order of Operations):

1) Wake up, am ridiculously anxious for 90 minutes til' my boy Lando puts it away and I scream more than Haste the Day.

2) Walk my cheerful ace to class in my standard USA polo, headband, wristband, and shoes. (Very disappointed by the lack of patriotism displayed in the classroom. The other hundred some other kids looked at me like I was crazy and vice versa)

3) Walk my cheerful ace home, slightly disappointed still in my classmates lack of cheer, but then my tied-for-favorite song (Appendix A) came on and I KNEW something great was about to happen...

no. NO. COULD IT BE????? Yes. It was. The MOST ANTICIPATED FedEx box in the history of anticipated FedEx boxes (boxi?) lay waiting on my doorstep. Annddddd Boom goes the Dynamite (Appendix B):

Anyways. Mad thanks broski. I can't decide if I want to wear them or just put them on a chain around my neck and have the greatest necklace ever.

Live, Love, Lax, Dance,

-8cho Manderson

Appendix A
MMJ- Off the Record

Appendix B
Boom Goes the Dynamite (Indiana favorite)

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